“The breath is a bridge between body and mind.”~ Swami Rama
Are you highly aware of your breath?
Breath is a very interesting tool for Inner Work and can provide us with abundance of information about our inner world. This journey will invite greater intimacy with our precious breath and open up inner transformation leveraging the breath as a tool.
This is not pranayama and this is not traditional breathwork where you control your breath to various exercise.
We will be tapping into our organic breath.
RSVP and we will align the dates.
Inner Work is a powerful yet gentle practice of inner-seeing, self-understanding and self-transformation.
Kindly note that there is NO recording of any sort at this event. Everyone is asked to honour safe space.
Marta A. NOWinska is a Consciousness Catalyst who elegantly guides entrepreneurs through deep-reaching, bone-changing, visceral, multi-dimensional, often time-warping Inner Work Journeys with Bruce Lee-like flow. Beyond being an Inner Work Guide and weaving Energy Work into the experience, Marta is a self-mastery practitioner, a purpose-preneur (founder of Swapsity) and synergistic connector. Her Inner Work teachings originate from within.
“It's like 2 months of therapy in 2 hours. Thank you for the amazing healing.” ~ Tech CEO, Visionary, Angel Investor, Activist (private)
“You have a powerful gift for inner work guidance that I have never seen before." ~ Entrepreneur, Designer, Best-Selling Author (private)
“I found it very powerful. Dissipating and dissolving. Facing head on. Going through the layers. Each iteration dissolving a little more.” ~ Hall of Fame Speaker, High-Performance Expert (group)
"The way you facilitated self immersion was very impressive Marta. Thank you for your relaxing voice Marta and for the opportunity to practise deep meditation. For a few seconds, I was in a world of nothing. I went so deep into myself. I was on a different plane. Your voice is soothing, a God-given talent." ~ Yoga & Meditation Practitioner (group)
"Once you are inside yourself, you can find these things. I had no idea!" ~ Self-Made Millionaire, Entrepreneur, Investor (private)
"I found the Work Group Session as an enriching experience. I was happily surprised by how deep the meditation and regression could go in this virtual environment. This helped me because of the inner search that I was able to do, but also because it removed my blockage towards participating in virtual activities that go deep into the self." ~ Scientist & Artist (group)
"It was amazing ‐ LOVE your process that is a hybrid of so many things. The energy you impart is magnetic....magical. Simply awesome." ~ Executive Coach, Consultant & Change Strategist (group)
Multidimensional Inner Work
$65 (Regular-Bird)
$58 (Early-Bird) - by Feb 10