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Buckle up! Entering the Inner World ...


2025 - day will be aligned with all RSVPs

"Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway." ~ John Wayne

What is a place within yourself that you do not want to go into?

Intimate & immersive inner journeys into your most scary spots and fearful parts, all while surrounded by the deep love of an intimate group co-witnessing the journey work.

Taking turns, everybody will have solo experience through their scary spot(s) skillfully guided by Marta and everybody will hold space for the solo traveller.

We will take this journey as a quartet with a very high emphasis on solo journey within the group journey.

Journey 1 - ME journey for Traveller 1 & Group Experience Share

Journey 2 - ME journey for Traveller 2 & Group Experience Share

Journey 3 - ME journey for Traveller 3 & Group Experience Share

Journey 4 - ME journey for Traveller 4 & Group Experience Share

Journey 5 - WE journey for the group & Experience Share on Shifts

Past Travellers:

“I found it very powerful. Dissipating and dissolving. Facing head on. Going through the layers. Each iteration dissolving a little more.” ~ Hall of Fame Speaker, High-Performance Expert (Group Sessions)

"Work with Marta is like psychedelic therapy minus the psychedelics." ~ Serial Entrepreneur, Adventurer (Group & Private Sessions)

As a transformational coach, Marta is truly gifted. I have worked with Marta on several occasions and have experienced several breakthroughs and a-ha moments during our sessions. ~ Small Business Owner (Group Sessions)

"It was amazing ‐ LOVE your process that is a hybrid of so many things. The energy you impart is magnetic....magical. Simply awesome." ~ Executive Coach, Consultant & Change Strategist (group)


5 weeks

4 spots

60-minutes each

$330 (CAD)